Performance Management
This workshop explores the management cycle from the point of view of monitoring and measuring performance and providing the necessary feedback and support to ensure that performance improves over time. It is useful for those seeking to improve the performance of others or for participants seeking the support of their manager to improve themselves.
The Performance Management workshop examines five key areas:
• The management cycle
• Getting ready - How to prepare
• Giving feedback – persistent under performance
• Providing support
• Negotiating and Goal setting
What you will get from this workshop:
By the end of this workshop you will understand the importance of the performance appraisal process and how to use this as an opportunity to create useful working documents that help improve the skills and behaviours of people in your team. It is also helpful if you are taking part in a performance appraisal as it focuses your attention on how to develop yourself and what support your manager can give you.
Models used:
• Management cycle
• Situational Leadership
• Alternative feedback models
• PIN triangle
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