Introduction to Facilitation






Facilitation combines many of the skills developed as part of Presenting and Introduction to Training and yet it involves a further more complex set of skills associated with many of the leadership skills.  Facilitation is about enabling a group to think creatively and divergently to develop potential ideas or solutions to problems and then skilfully pull the group’s thinking together so that they agree on a way forward or a course of action.


The key ideas covered in this module are:


       What is facilitation about?

       Understanding your audience and the issue

       Agreeing boundaries

       Deciding appropriate facilitation methods

       Running a facilitation session

       Pulling the group together

       Making decisions


What you will get from this module:


This module will enable you to understand what facilitation is about and prepare you to handle common issues associated with facilitating a group of people.  You will be able to understand which facilitation tools and techniques are most appropriate for the issues the group is tackling and the leadership skill to align their thinking so that a decision can be reached.



Models used:


  •   Various creative thinking techniques
  •     Holistic, Lateral and Linear technique
  •   Social Styles
  •    Change agents matrix


Any questions?

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+ 44 (0)1672 564209


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